Canteens. Recent reviews.

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All dining rooms in the city of Donetsk

"Украинское бистро"
Donetsk, Artyoma, 145A
Works: Mon-Sun: round-the-clock,

Donetsk, Artema, 130, 4th floor
Works: Mon-Sun: 10:00-22:00,

"Два гуся"
Donetsk, Avenue of the Fallen Communards, 2
Works: Mon-Sun: 09:00-21:00,

"Пузата хата"
Donetsk, Postysheva, 117
Works: Mon-Sun: 08:00-22:00,

Donetsk, University, 20
Works: Mon-Sun: 08:00-22:00,

Donetsk, square of the Fallen Communards, 2
Works: Mon-Sun: 09:00-21:00,

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