Cafe "Старый рояль"

Cafe "Старый рояль"

Ukraine, Kiev, Shelkovichnaya, 13/2
+380 (44) 253-43-08
WiFi    Smoking rooms    Non-Smoking rooms    Reservation

The cafe's working hours:
Mon-Fri: 10:00-22:00
Sat-Sun: 12:00-22:00

Рейтинг: 5.5 / 10. Голосов: 2

  Посещено - Вы первый!
  Хочу пойти! - Вы первый!

Поделитесь кафе с друзьями:


Bakery "Венские булочки"
Ukraine, Kiev, Institute, 14A
+380 (44) 498-33-53

Restaurant "Моцарт"
Ukraine, Kiev, Institutskaya, 14
+38 (044) 253-77-78

Restaurant-cafe "Mon Ami"
Ukraine, Kiev, Mulberry, 10
+380 (44) 253-30-08

Restaurant "Петергоф"
Ukraine, Kiev, Pylyp Orlyk, 6
+380 (44) 253-73-58

Restaurant "Липский Особняк"
Ukraine, Kiev, Lipskaya, 15
+380 (44) 502-22-22

Pizzeria "Maximus"
Ukraine, Kiev, lane Museum, 12
+380 (44) 255-57-94

Cafe "La Cantina"
Ukraine, Kiev, Institute, 13A
+38 (044) 253-33-34

Reviews of cafe "Старый рояль":

Фещенко Евгений

- 27 апреля 2012

the Cafe, not the restaurant type Yes, dirty tablecloths, chairs creak, after leaving client, simply remove empty dishes, not even shaking off the crumbs from the table, placing the new visitors for this thing! In short GUNDELIK, in the villages of the institution is 1000 times better and cleaner!!!!!


- 30 ноября 2014
Very cozy restaurant. Delicious and not expensive. The staff is pleased with its good mood.

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