Network "Double coffee" →  The coffee shop "Double coffee"

The coffee shop "Double coffee"

Ukraine, Kiev, St. Michael's street, 6
+380 (44) 206-69-13
WiFi    Smoking rooms    Non-Smoking rooms   

Metro station near the coffee shop: 

The coffee shop:
Mon-Sun: round-the-clock

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Рейтинг: 2 / 10. Голосов: 1

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Feedback on the cafeteria "Double coffee":


- 9 августа 2012

Went there yesterday, drinking water and kvass. SPECIFICALLY asked the waitress to give some cheap mineral water. About how she served, a different story: barely came to the table, this blonde is somewhere immediately pulled, her name is, she is not turning, making some vague gesture with his hand, well at least not the middle finger... the bill came:
kvas Taras 0.5 l - 15 UAH. Hmm... well, sometimes.
coffee espresso 25 UAH — well, coffee establishments forever dear, forget it
BonAqua 0.5 l THIRTY USD!!! Which in store THREE hryvnias worth it, well up on the tray 8 around the corner (we did and bought at this price in Mariinsky Park in half an hour the same bottle)! This despite the fact that ESPECIALLY asked for inexpensive water, just hot!
so, stripped us 70 USD for the coffee, and brew the plain water, as ordered. It was once too lazy to study the menu and the waitress believe...
More than a foot Double in Kofi (and sorry, at the time there was nice, though not at St. Michael, for the first time, however, long been noticed that the school deteriorates).
the Council itself: carefully study the prices on the menu and not rely anything on the waitresses. Anyway, in the future, perhaps with this attitude will immediately leave the establishment. Wave she can on his head.
by the Way, later recalled (in a cafe didn't pay attention) that other visitors also had a bad day with the service. We heard shouts "girl, where are you", etc.

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