Network "Evrohata" →  Dining room "Еврохата"

Dining room "Еврохата"

Ukraine, Kiev, Malinowski, 12
+380 (44) 585-14-36
Smoking rooms    Non-Smoking rooms   

Metro station near dining room: 

The work canteen:
Mon-Sun: 09:00-21:00

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Рейтинг: 1 / 10. Голосов: 1

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Поделитесь столовой с друзьями:


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+38 (067) 322-02-03

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Ukraine, Kiev, Marshala Malinovskogo, 12

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Ukraine, Kiev, Marshala Malinovskogo, 12

Pizzeria "Domino's Pizza"
Ukraine, Kiev, Obolonsky Ave., 14
+380 (44) 222-11-11

Art-cafe "Anime Maid Cafe KOMA"
Ukraine, Kiev, Marshala Malinovskogo, 24/10
+38 (044) 599-92-88,+38 (093) 517-71-17

Reviews about the dining room "Еврохата":


- 5 февраля 2015
It's just out - haughty, angry face, dirty unkempt form, at the checkout or on the issue constantly, but no one, screaming music from your phone employees via the connected column., stood about 5 minutes - no one came. out some cleaning lady who was mopping the floor, not washing your hands went to give us the salad. after another 5 minutes, came out some lady who was Smoking in a neighboring room through the window. the change was, we brought her after we ate, and after a reminder. this is a total mess. WHERE TO WATCH GUIDE ?

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