A Network Of "Mafia" →  Restaurant "Мафия"

Restaurant "Мафия"

Ukraine, Kiev, Lugovaya, 12
+380 (44) 207-48-38
WiFi    Smoking rooms    Non-Smoking rooms    Parking    Reservation

The restaurant:
Mon-Sun: round-the-clock

Рейтинг: 1 / 10. Голосов: 1

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  Хочу пойти! - Вы первый!

Поделитесь рестораном с друзьями:


The coffee shop "Double coffee"
Ukraine, Kiev, Lugovaya, 12
+380 (44) 206-69-12

Cafe-bar "Beck’s Beerloft"
Ukraine, Kiev, Lugovaya, 12
+380 (44) 206-42-02

Fast Food "McDonald's"
Ukraine, Kiev, Lugovaya, 12

Sushi-bar "ЯпонаХата"
Ukraine, Kiev, Lugovaya, 12
+380 (44) 206-42-09

Fast Food "Печена картопля"
Ukraine, Kiev, Lugovaya, 12
+380 (44) 467-58-63

Dining room "L'Kafa Восточная домашняя кухня"
Ukraine, Kiev, Lugovaya, 12
+380 (44) 242-80-81

Coffee house "L'Kafa"
Ukraine, Kiev, Lugovaya, 12

Pizzeria "L'Kafa Пиццерия"
Ukraine, Kiev, Lugovaya, 12
+380 (44) 242-80-81

Coffee house "La Gelateria Italiana"
Ukraine, Kiev, Lugovaya, 12

Fast Food "Блинофф"
Ukraine, Kiev, Lugovaya, 12
+380 (44) 461-86-62

Sushi-bar "Таки-Маки"
Ukraine, Kiev, Lugovaya, 12
+380 (44) 461-86-60

Pizzeria "Пиццаленд"
Ukraine, Kiev, Lugovaya, 12

Coffee house "Шоколадница"
Ukraine, Kiev, Lugovaya, 12
(044) 229-16-08

The reviews about the restaurant "Мафия":


- 28 ноября 2015
27.11.2015 went to celebrate a friend's birthday.POISONED so AWFUL .Ordered sushi and pizza.It pizdezh people vomiting doesn't stop.DO NOT GO THERE.This is just brutal.Anyone and never advise to go there and my feet there will be no more.Actually checking them would need to send the faster and the more people will be healthy.Let your guide will feed the bullshit that people give,and the guide may open your eyes and control what they feed people,and it is seen swollen eyes in them from boorishness and control products and method of preparation.PEOPLE do not go there.....

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