Sushi-bar "Икура"

Sushi-bar "Икура"

Ukraine, Kiev, Knyazhiy Zaton, 2/30
+380 (44) 585-54-34
Smoking rooms    Non-Smoking rooms    Parking    Reservation

The hours of the sushi bar:
Mon-Sun: 11:00-23:00

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Рейтинг: 7.8 / 10. Голосов: 3

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Поделитесь суши-баром с друзьями:


Sushi-bar "СушиЯ"
Ukraine, Kiev, Petra Grigorenko str., 26
+38 (044) 575-99-01

Pizzeria "Domino's Pizza"
Ukraine, Kiev, Drahomanov, 44A
+380 (44) 222-11-11

Cafe "Sowa Cafe"
Ukraine, Kiev, Sribnokilska, 3D
+38 (096) 819 05 05

Restaurant "Мафия"
Ukraine, Kiev, . Sribnokilskaya, 3G
+38 (067) 658 68 31

Sushi-bar "Дракон"
Ukraine, Kiev, Knyazhiy Zaton, 2/30
+38 (044) 599-99-75

Restaurant-cafe "Княжий Затон"
Ukraine, Kiev, Knyazhiy Zaton, 2/30
+38 (044) 573-78-97

Reviews about the sushi bar "Икура":


- 12 апреля 2012

Cozy restaurant, a lot of different actions carried out. I advise everyone to visit!


- 23 июля 2012

the SCHOOL is TERRIBLE!!! Located in the basement, could not breathe, the waitress responded to us only after 10 minutes-th... I was about to leave. Half of the menu simply was not available. Ordering from the second half waited for half an hour. I went to the bathroom - definitely upset: dirty, no soap...
Here's a thought, what is there positive to write about this place - couldn't think of anything... positive in memory remained.

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