The network "!Fest" →  Restaurant-bar "Криївка"

Restaurant-bar "Криївка"

Ukraine, Lvov, the Rynok square, 14
+38 (050) 430-63-54, (095) 260-45-46
The number of seats: 220    WiFi    Smoking rooms    Non-Smoking rooms    Parking    Reservation

  author, Ukrainian,

the restaurant "Kryivka" (Ukr. - "Kryivka", or "Kryivka") - is located at Market square, opposite the town Hall. This restaurant can be called the first theme, or author's, the restaurant of the city. If You were in "Kryivka", then the first time is difficult to find, although is in the heart of the city. Yes and get inside that will be another task. Finding at last the door inside it's hard, because the restaurant has no signage or signage, you need to knock on a small window. After a few moments, it appears the armed guard of the institution and call the first half of the input password "Glory to Ukraine!". Do not dawdle and it is necessary, as expected from the rebels, to shout "glory to the Heroes!". The next step will be to clarify whether Your company "moskali, comunists, zapadentsev". Naturally, you should answer in the negative, besides the Ukrainian language. And as a true Ukrainian, You will be offered a glass of Mead. On "the legend" if You lie, on your forehead will appear a red star. And all through the door to the closet inside the entrance.

The interior of the restaurant "Kryivka" is a realistic style forest hiding-place of the OUN-UPA during the Second world war - on the walls you can see a variety of weapons, and other decorative elements. Have the opportunity to shoot blank cartridges from some weapon of WWII, of course in the ceiling. The waitresses are dressed in uniform and armed with "machines" (props of course). Architectural interiors, good service and a lot of interesting details perfectly capture the atmosphere of the Ukrainian insurgent army.

The restaurant menu offers dishes of Ukrainian-Galician cuisine with author's names: «Alyosha from Geba" - grilled beef, bacon «kosher like partisan" the fat "bojowa Serenade", "sweet pepper partisan" - vegetable slicing, grow eggs, buckwheat with butter «everyday life of the Wehrmacht", sweet pepper partisan, samml consolation partisan and, of course, hit the menu among visitors from Russia - "moskalik drunk karasavidis", fried carp. But this is not the end.

the restaurant "Kryivka" belongs to "Network signature restaurants "!Fest".

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Рейтинг: 8.3 / 10. Голосов: 20

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Reviews about restaurant & bar "Криївка":


- 16 сентября 2011

Mead they have there is awesome :))) and beer is not such as in Kiev and dumplings, mmmmm...... ;)


- 19 февраля 2012

Yesterday was passing in Lviv and could not visit this restaurant - I liked everything - how you met, served (the waiter Marjan was on top), menu, dishes, prices are also quite affordable - everything is just super)))will definitely come to him again;)


- 12 июня 2012

I was in this place - it's just a nightmare!! in pomesheniy terribly hot, stuffy and damp!!!! very nigativnyh protection!! not a pleasant officiant((((  about the kitchen and even will not write anything..(((( this is one of those restaurants, which posimat not posovetui to anyone!!   Odessa!!!


- 6 августа 2012

Super, this is the place that I must visit if I come to Lviv. The food is tasty prices are available, and the names of the dishes are very creative


- 14 августа 2012

Krivka ze best!!!


- 21 августа 2012

Eugene, I understand that in Odessa he used to lie, but not that much! Kriivka there on the street and in the basement and on floors, so there are areas where and where not stuffy and the heat and cool for every taste. The food is very tasty. So your nonsense can only make me pity to your person) 


- 22 августа 2012

Eugene, study grammar in the first place! And then with such, you will need to enter the know-how and on the signs of the institutions to write - at the entrance to show maturity


- 29 сентября 2012

Attended at the entrance who does not Mead poured (Muscovites do not calculate). Well, there is nothing you can go for flavor. But I would not say. though the waiters are not as friendly as in other places of the city. But I understand it is the honor color.


- 10 декабря 2012
My husband and I were in December 2012,everything is just great,and Mead,and the service is kind,with humor,all very tasty))Thank you if we in Lviv be sure to come again))))


- 7 января 2013
Restaurant on the fan!!!!!!!!Were at Christmas,there was a full house, turn right on the street!But maybe we have reserved we pushed through the crowd.Met some partisans and poured into the cap from the total cans some stuff, I note that with this OSS cap it all,of course nothing washes! Then he opened a door,with stairs to the basement,not a pretty sight!we went down the narrow dark stuffy stairs and went in the same stuffy rich people niskopoziomowe room , where I immediately went.What a thrill to sit and drink in a noisy stuffy tight wet basement with suspicious interior?
St. Petersburg


- 6 марта 2013
My wife came from Dnepropetrovsk to Lviv to see the sights of the city.We found on the Internet Kryivka address: 14 market square(this was around 15.00 05.03.2013).When they came to the address and opened the door,I forgot to say the password,then the security guard rudely said"why are you here Societe?",I said I was looking for Kryivka what he increased and boorish tone said that it was the library,and what we're looking for is somewhere on.He brazenly rushed us out the door.I do not doubt that we found what we were looking for,and still believed that it was all a joke and now the guard will catch us and call the school,but that didn't happen.Dear citizens! Excuse me,but after all that I became negative about everything in Lviv.Where is the reputation of the establishment? Look where the heads of the security service.Firstly I'm not Russian,but Ukrainian is the same as the cattle in the form of a guard,and secondly, I'm by profession a guard,but for such things I would have already kicked b from work.Everything you need to look for some compromise,and not easy to push people in the neck.I just don't envy the cattle to be in Dnepropetrovsk!


- 13 марта 2013
Before leaving we three came from different cities in Krivko super!So like us,met with Mead, we were not pulverized and said the password.The kitchen is just so lovely everything was delicious. Maybe because we came from where we Morshyn 18 days were fed diets food but still we all liked it thank you!And the reception and the interior and kitchen are all great!


- 28 августа 2013
Visited,Kravco,were in pleasant shock from service(the waiter Marjan-just ducky),serving dishes,the atmosphere of places is fascinating(as all thought!!!!! to detail).I liked everything:the speed of service,creativity and taste of the dishes and very nice staff(cultural and humorous).Thank you very much,I will be in Lviv, be sure to stop again and will advise friends;)


- 25 сентября 2013
Were in August of this year. First time all loved) and the kitchen and the entourage, despite the fact that the guard was a bit rude. The second time stopped passing through two weeks. The waiters waited 20 min to take our order, (note the people there were not so many free sholokov was enough). Polesel child (5 years old) and in Russian asked Oficina to come to us. he did not react, then came a husband - that said, I don't understand your child, and disappeared.... we sat another 5 minutes and decided that we should do nothing. Dear administration!!! Read reviews of Your Reston, and if things will change - we are definitely coming back!!!!!!!


- 6 октября 2013
Tomorrow I'm going to Lviv for one day in KRIVKO. If the nationalism would beat service - sad, but, on the contrary, glory to UKRAINE !


- 7 октября 2013
Came from the Crimea in the night of the day in Lviv...
Visited,Kravco,lots of emotions ... well done,stylish,nourishing,tasty,creative will not present...
The staff is polite and humorous,Mead scoring no words...loved it! I hope to repeat :)


- 6 января 2015
Like with friends to get into a chic restaurant on Christmas eve, stood an hour in line. We had a great mood, near ask for the password, we decided to make a joke with the receptionists and asked him for the password, and then we were told that we cannot enter because we supposedly wrecked the work of this wonderful institution, we called the Manager and he also refused. We specifically explained that it was a joke, to which they replied that the us entry is prohibited, and the bargain us even rude. Left a very pleasant aftertaste and ruined all impressions of Lviv.
Not adequate behavior of the staff. Did not appreciate their customers very rude associate. Sense of humor is completely absent. If you like worse than cattle, PTO at this institution


- 12 января 2015
The PDR vchora s team, all the very spodobalos.


- 28 февраля 2015
Has been heard in the restaurant "Kriїvka", all very pleasant-food, vkusnyuchih Mead and unusual interior! You come out with Krivci impressed! Served us Roshko Andrew, very friendly, served quickly, wait for the order was not necessary...thank you very much! Come again!


- 7 мая 2015
The first time was in Lviv. Well, of course, one of the places I wanted to visit this Krivka. Well, visited. I will say this - the biggest disappointment from the city. First of all, well it's like this ... .... I think it means place also. Output realized - not also, but mega hyped. Second - the waiter waited 30 minutes, which just passed a MIME. Third - the kitchen is well sooo delicious. Take the potato pancakes with mushroom gravy - pancakes one meal, and gravy - like Cup Mivina(((( Well, I can not mention - the boorish attitude of staff to guests. And of course it's poproshajnichestvom money(((( the ONLY PLACE IN LVIV-WHICH was NOT PLEASANT AND WHERE I have LEFT a PENNY ON TEA(((((((((((((((((


- 21 июля 2015
Got back yesterday from the city, which was the first time. On the last night before leaving we visited the "Krivka". Got a lot of pleasant impressions! Even standing in line to get into "Krivka", nahohotalis - the people got a cheerful, positive minded. By the way, in line spoke both Ukrainian and Russian and English and everyone understands each other. "Mead" at the entrance was very tasty, my daughter does not drink alcoholic beverages and nothing forced her. Inside, the interior cool, we sat in a room of radio operators, on the wall a pile of some of the devices glowed glowing lights, lay next to headphones. View search moskalik was interesting and humorous. The waitress (her name I have no points are not considered) are very polite, smiling and pleasant girl served quickly. The dishes are tasty and the portions are large. All we liked it very much!


- 26 июля 2015
Boules 5 July , spodobalos, delicious and not expensive ! Children together Bulo duzhe strawi interestingly I can pick up soap , obslugovuvannya cudovo and atmosphere also. And wireline the required dose to do.


- 30 июля 2015
I read the reviews and tellingly, those who correctly writes the name "Kryivka", they liked the restaurant, and who writes "Kryivka" (it's gonna be precovering-name) did not like, outraged they see boorish treatment, so it serves you right, scum have nothing how to do in normal restaurants normal for Ukrainians, she was only there a couple of times, indescribable delight, everything is fine. "M atni spotikach" dumplings is a masterpiece


- 5 августа 2015
Kryivka - end of the place, the Yak Isle immediately I presdo on to Lviv.
Savory kitchen, CCAA theme interior RW pid dugout, in which bhaut sprain SOUR!!!
On pdls pid tables BG Schur said oftitan, scho stink wapuli - this Buti not Mauger, and were transplanted into hi hall!
But schizophrenia is not strigidaemon!
The whole spawaniu, appetite, Ter.
Visnovok one vdduv addition msca primenili!TSE out of NEPODOBSTVO!!!


- 12 сентября 2015
Been to Lviv in transit,visited the restaurant and were delighted. Good food, original decor, friendly crowd, unique atmosphere. A lot of foreigners, guests of the city from different cities. Fun,loud,tasty,account, pleased and surprised. Of the minuses - very hot, difficult to drink in such conditions). The rest is all perfectly well, including the shooting range and style).


- 5 октября 2015
Great restaurant. During his visit to Lviv was in it twice - first time because had heard of him, and then a second time because liked the atmosphere and cheerful waiters. Being Kryivka first got to shift change, or, as they called it, the transfer of the guard... And yet there we were very lucky to meet a cute girl guides around Lviv from the Agency "Vacation in Ukraine", located in the neighborhood. Employee of this Agency helped us to find very interesting and not expensive excursions. They are also vibrate and not via the website: I want to thank the guides "Vacations in Lviv" what a fabulous trip. Excursions, were just breathtaking. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, not everywhere managed to visit, so be sure to come again. .


- 12 октября 2015
Hello everyone!!this weekend was a girl in Lviv.and I couldn't get pass the "Krivka",so a lot of it were,all very pleasant,except for one,but a very serious situation.made the order, brought on time and then my girlfriend found a piece of brush,which you wash,watch what you bring!


- 29 ноября 2015
Were in November of this year. Not app but: the food is so so, the staff is boorish. And in September of this year drove friends. Near the bar when a guy saimal the jacket had an expensive camera and he walked away a few steps,and when I came back nobody saw anything,nothing fell out. Near the bar stood only oficiency. They called the police that long let, cameras were not provided,and then another, and got nasty. The Department said that this is not the first such case. Like lions..

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