Restaurant-bar "UNIT"

WiFi, TV, big screen, business Lunches, live music, sports, VIP-hall, projector,

Restaurant-bar "UNIT"

Ukraine, Odessa, Tiraspol str., 22
+38 (048) 729-90-90

  European, Ukrainian, Russian, German,
Working time of restaurant:
Mon-Sun: 10:00-00:00

Рейтинг: / 10. Голосов: 0

  Посещено - Вы первый!
  Хочу пойти! - Вы первый!

Поделитесь ресторан-баром с друзьями:

Several restaurant-bars:

Restaurant-bar "Хали-Гали"
Ukraine, Odessa, Tchaikovsky lane, 18
(048) 722-17-18

Restaurant-bar "Утесов"
Ukraine, Odessa, Jewish, 2A

Restaurant-bar "BeefBar"
Ukraine, Odessa, Trinity , 45
(097)917-25-95, (0482)321-123

Reviews about restaurant & bar "UNIT":


- 23 ноября 2013
Big thanks to Vyacheslav, dushevnyi man! The rest of the service leaves much to be desired...
40 minutt waited for the beer snacks basturma,Suluguni,a cheese stick AND NOT wait! Guess why? Unexpected Banquet))) At the next table ordering 5 servings of kebab and 4 servings of fish((( At another table for 30 minutes waiting for the side salad(when I left, brought in only salad for the neighbors). Previously attempted to go... Always the same result - DISAPPOINTMENT! More to come! With Respect, Olga.

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