Restaurant "Fish-cafe"

Restaurant "Fish-cafe"

Ukraine, Odessa, Brick lane , 1
The number of seats: 80    WiFi    Smoking rooms    Non-Smoking rooms    Parking    Reservation

The restaurant:
Mon-Sun: 09:00-23:00

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Рейтинг: / 10. Голосов: 0

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Поделитесь рестораном с друзьями:

Several restaurants:

Restaurant "Пивной сад"
Ukraine, Odessa, Havana, 6
(048) 777-88-88

Restaurant "Casa Nova"
Ukraine, Odessa, Deribasovskaya, 4
(048) 335-455

Restaurant "MamaCasalla"
Ukraine, Odessa, Alexander Matrosov, 1

Restaurant "Час пик"
Ukraine, Odessa, Genoa, 1
(048) 34-97-57

Restaurant "Балаган"
Ukraine, Odessa, The Queen, 94
(048) 42-32-32

Restaurant "Блеф"
Ukraine, Odessa, French Boulevard, 85
(048) 777-44-53, (048) 777-44-52

Restaurant "Блеф"
Ukraine, Odessa, Chubaevskaya, 7
(048) 748-10-19

Restaurant "1000 и 1 ночь"
Ukraine, Odessa, Gaydara, 13
(048)799-03-64, (048)74 -37-425

Restaurant "Текила Хаус"
Ukraine, Odessa, Malaya Arnautskaya Str., 69

Restaurant "Crab House"
Ukraine, Odessa, Deribasovskaya str., 13
(0482) 35-68-00, (0482) 35-68-09

Restaurant "Elvis"
Ukraine, Odessa, Troitskaya, 50
(067)486-01-52, (0482)37-75-74

Restaurant "Компот"
Ukraine, Odessa, Deribasovskaya, 20
(048) 728-777-5

Restaurant "Компот"
Ukraine, Odessa, Panteleimon, 70

Restaurant "Колесо"
Ukraine, Odessa, Seaport, Pier 18a
(048) 799-22-20

Restaurant "Trattoria Soldi"
Ukraine, Odessa, Greek, 1A
(048) 784-0-151, (048)77-27-940

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