Cafe "Буфет 24"

Cafe "Буфет 24"

Ukraine, Poltava, May day, 17B
The number of seats: 30    Smoking rooms    Non-Smoking rooms    Parking    Reservation

The cafe's working hours:
Mon-Sun: round-the-clock

Рейтинг: 3.5 / 10. Голосов: 2

  Посещено - Вы первый!
  Хочу пойти! - Вы первый!

Поделитесь кафе с друзьями:


Cafe "Villa Крокодила"
Ukraine, Poltava, Pervomaisky Prospekt, 20B
(0532) 610-912

Restaurant "Козачка"
Ukraine, Poltava, Lenina, 34 and
(0532) 56-95-36

Pub "Берег"
Ukraine, Poltava, October, 9
(0532) 56-20-62,(095) 771-09-53

Art-cafe "Посиденьки"
Ukraine, Poltava, October, 2
(0532)56-07-06, (050)304-53-92, (099)431-29-66, (099)520-19-32

Restaurant-pub "Августин"
Ukraine, Poltava, May day, 19
(0532)50-24-24, (066)365- 8-365

Cafe "БлинОК"
Ukraine, Poltava, May day , 13A

Reviews of cafe "Буфет 24":


- 31 декабря 2015
In fact, if the 7th Street Metro Center location is a hit, he hopes to branch out and create a chain of snack bars at other Metro stations throughout the city.


- 16 марта 2016
OJxLvC ttikibbnzgyx, [url=]twjzlnvxzzix[/url], [link=]xffytlkxaykd[/link],

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