Coffee house "Львiвська кав'ярня"

Coffee house "Львiвська кав'ярня"

Ukraine, Poltava, October, 32
(066) 321-70-44, (0532) 654-624
Smoking rooms    Non-Smoking rooms    Parking    Reservation

The time the coffee shop:
Mon-Sun: 09:00-23:00

Recommend visitors to the coffee shop "Львiвська кав'ярня": "Кофе-Терра" , кофейня "Чайный клуб" ,

Рейтинг: 8.6 / 10. Голосов: 10

  Посещено - Вы первый!
  Хочу пойти! - еще 1 запланировал

Поделитесь кофейней с друзьями:


Restaurant-bar "DOUBLE WHISKY"
Ukraine, Poltava, ul. 1100 anniversary of Poltava, 12
(0532) 56-27-12

Pizzeria "Челентано"
Ukraine, Poltava, Lenin, 16
(0532) 61-57-71

Coffee house "Кофе-Терра"
Ukraine, Poltava, Oktyabrskaya street, 32
(099) 145-22-75

Sushi-bar "Киото-бар"
Ukraine, Poltava, Frunze, 8
(0532) 56-56-78

Tearoom "Блюз"
Ukraine, Poltava, Lenin, 16
(05322) 7-24-65

Restaurant "Зефир"
Ukraine, Poltava, Oktyabrskaya str., 24

Pub "Beer Лога"
Ukraine, Poltava, October, 32
(05322) 7-49-40, (066) 678-23-53

Pizzeria "Вива пицца"
Ukraine, Poltava, Monastery, 8
(05322)7-21-93, (066)506-42-08

Cafe "Круча"
Ukraine, Poltava, Kozak, 2A
(0532) 50-10-74, (099) 007-07-75

Coffee house "KOFEiN®"
Ukraine, Poltava, Kotlyarevsky, 1/27
(0532) 61-61-62

Cafe "Мясной дворик"
Ukraine, Poltava, October, 29/15
(05322) 7-49-79, (099) 20-24-999

Fast Food "Burger Club"
Ukraine, Poltava, Kotlyarevsky , 1/27
(0532) 69-29-05

Restaurant "Палаццо"
Ukraine, Poltava, Gogol, 33
(0532)611-205, (0532)610-850, (0532)611-208

Restaurant "Сплит (Split)"
Ukraine, Poltava, Gogol, 22,
(0532) 50-80-03, (050) 404-92-33

Restaurant "Галерея"
Ukraine, Poltava, Frunze, 7

Reviews about the coffee shop "Львiвська кав'ярня":


- 5 января 2013
Super school! atmosphere, interior, cakes.
the only thing that "sasacilo" - few places. during our 40 minutes there - many people simply had nowhere to sit. but this Saturday was!

the owner Katerina is a super girl! pretty, attentive, communicative and very responsible!

finally in Poltava appear worthy places!


- 7 января 2013
Super bet!!! I posting clay!


- 7 января 2013
A very good place to relax with friends.
Thank you for the wonderful school.


- 13 января 2013
Super! Wonderful cafe!!!!!!!! And European service))))))))))) it is Necessary to expand!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough space for everyone. And we Poltava, longing for the good service!!!!! The coffee house is resting.


- 15 января 2013
Yes, a very good school, I am 14 years old, went 2 times with friends, loved the atmosphere, and it seems to me the most delicious coffee in Poltava, and the prices are adequate, in the same caffeine is more expensive (not by much) but there's a strong smoky, now always go to the Lvov coffee shop.
Of the minuses probably little space, but it may because there is no plus some overflow or something, and if spoken in Russian also, I think it's cleaner that way, what language do people speak like that and it should)
And all at a very high level, thank you for such a wonderful school, already are Your loyal customers)


- 2 июля 2013
Cudovo place, there nesolagus cava of almost skin. Especially podobala vanalinna staff to KTV, because of the stench, pohcs, SMOS pretvoriti navit Nighy the whole, just a great. Thank you )

Василь Іванович

- 20 декабря 2013
For the rosiyska movu not Shodan categorize! Only Ukrainian! TSE W Lvivska KAV'yarnya! Has to be Ukrainian, and I vratitsa atmosphere, and flavor! And so the pledge is a great, all vlastova. I relish comfortable! Rozmovljajmo Ukrainian!!!


- 26 декабря 2013
Rozczarowany!!! Cava is not bad, but to Kavi NEMA scho take. Katerin not zavadil b e podumatj for tstack(especially jcn)


- 8 января 2014
Today vpershe vddl this mortgage and, unfortunately, also duzhe rozczarowani Luvshy KAV*Arny. Of course, I will not say, that kawa Bula filthy - W it all street. Ale TSE dine, W Chim sklalos at the KAV*ARN. Vdata atmosphere of the city. Little nazvati Luvshy KAV*Arny I wasatia Yogo seredka in Poltav. Viyavilos, scho TSE - CAW*Arny, Yak Varanasi ncim from other, has Temne, TsNII I deprive inter*courier (withnote premises in plan, that skladny versene inter*ru, but nemozhlyvo no ncogo, this butt decorated inter*ru - "Yak is not required to do"). Moreover oftset PDR devacuation I navit not Tachtonim. Perhaps kolis navdata in GNU Vrande order. May the hope, that there Pano the best atmosphere.


- 12 июля 2014
Shit, not the institution


- 8 февраля 2015
My favorite coffee shop!Best!Keep it up!

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