Coffee house "На сходах"

Coffee house "На сходах"

Ukraine, Poltava, October, 30/12
(095) 479-27-04
Smoking rooms    Non-Smoking rooms    Parking    Reservation

The time the coffee shop:
Mon-Sun: 10:00-22:00

Рейтинг: 6 / 10. Голосов: 3

  Посещено - Вы первый!
  Хочу пойти! - Вы первый!

Поделитесь кофейней с друзьями:


Restaurant-bar "DOUBLE WHISKY"
Ukraine, Poltava, ul. 1100 anniversary of Poltava, 12
(0532) 56-27-12

Pizzeria "Челентано"
Ukraine, Poltava, Lenin, 16
(0532) 61-57-71

The lounge bar "Кантина"
Ukraine, Poltava, Gogolya street, 33
(0532) 610-850

Coffee house "Кофе-Терра"
Ukraine, Poltava, Oktyabrskaya street, 32
(099) 145-22-75

Sushi-bar "Киото-бар"
Ukraine, Poltava, Frunze, 8
(0532) 56-56-78

Tearoom "Блюз"
Ukraine, Poltava, Lenin, 16
(05322) 7-24-65

Restaurant "Зефир"
Ukraine, Poltava, Oktyabrskaya str., 24

Pub "Beer Лога"
Ukraine, Poltava, October, 32
(05322) 7-49-40, (066) 678-23-53

Pizzeria "Вива пицца"
Ukraine, Poltava, Monastery, 8
(05322)7-21-93, (066)506-42-08

Cafe "Круча"
Ukraine, Poltava, Kozak, 2A
(0532) 50-10-74, (099) 007-07-75

Coffee house "KOFEiN®"
Ukraine, Poltava, Kotlyarevsky, 1/27
(0532) 61-61-62

Cafe "Мясной дворик"
Ukraine, Poltava, October, 29/15
(05322) 7-49-79, (099) 20-24-999

Fast Food "Burger Club"
Ukraine, Poltava, Kotlyarevsky , 1/27
(0532) 69-29-05

Restaurant "Палаццо"
Ukraine, Poltava, Gogol, 33
(0532)611-205, (0532)610-850, (0532)611-208

Restaurant "Сплит (Split)"
Ukraine, Poltava, Gogol, 22,
(0532) 50-80-03, (050) 404-92-33

Reviews about the coffee shop "На сходах":


- 28 марта 2013
Coffee is very tasty, cooked knowledgeable among this people, moreover, brought order quickly, which could not fail to please. Reduced the rating because of the little space, though here to whom as. On the other hand it adds comfort. Don't know...., but definitely worth to go


- 10 апреля 2013
The coffee shop is just wonderful, gorgeous room, delicious coffee and fresh desserts. But there really is very stuffy and hot. Was already there several times and always can't breathe, because this whole atmosphere is down the drain, running trying to finish my coffee and fresh air, no fun...because of this app! That's why I am asking You to eliminate this major inconvenience!


- 1 апреля 2014
I don't like. In school at their desks. There are better places.

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