Pub "Сто Дорог"

Poltava beer, rock concerts,

Pub "Сто Дорог"

Ukraine, Poltava, The Paris Commune, 18
(05322) 7-46-38
The number of seats: 80    WiFi    Smoking rooms    Non-Smoking rooms    Parking    Reservation

The pub:
Mon-Sun: 10:00-22:00

Recommend visitors to the pub "Сто Дорог": паб "Z-Pub" , паб "Beer Лога" , паб "Мачете" ,

Unique to Poltava, pub "Svarog" impresses visitors frequent concerts as a fairly well-known and emerging performers playing music in the style of rock or rock-n-roll Poltava and fresh draught Beers.

In the pub the largest selection of local Beers on tap. The menu consists of 9 varieties of Poltava beer. Also, in the presence of several varieties of Lvivske. Kitchen are Ukrainian national dishes (Ukrainian borsch W m'the jar that Popmuschi, dumplings W carnicom and others) and traditional beer snacks (krilca kurac, kolbaski Bawerk). The pub is traditionally not a large room with several cozy rooms. The interior is designed in a strict European style. Dim lights, comfortable wooden furnishings and original paintings on the walls create a pleasant atmosphere appeals to a casual conversation with friends.

The pub "Svarog" great place to relax at the end of the week, to attend a concert and enjoy the fresh Poltava beer in the company of friends.

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Рейтинг: 9.9 / 10. Голосов: 8

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Полтава. Взгляд на пабы и бары изнутри.

Пабы Полтавы: микс аутентичности и западной культуры Богатая история, древние традиции… Полтава помнит многое, но ни в чем не отстает от других городов. В плане пивоварения и пабов – в том числе. Если Вы собираетесь посетить этот город и не знаете, где посидеть с друзьями в приятной атмосфере, то мы подготовили своеобразный обзор пабов Полтавы. Классические питейные заведения с « ... читать дальше...


Restaurant "Зефир"
Ukraine, Poltava, Oktyabrskaya str., 24

Pizzeria "Вива пицца"
Ukraine, Poltava, Monastery, 8
(05322)7-21-93, (066)506-42-08

Cafe "Круча"
Ukraine, Poltava, Kozak, 2A
(0532) 50-10-74, (099) 007-07-75

Fast Food "Burger Club"
Ukraine, Poltava, Kotlyarevsky , 1/27
(0532) 69-29-05

Pub "Берег"
Ukraine, Poltava, October, 9
(0532) 56-20-62,(095) 771-09-53

Art-cafe "Посиденьки"
Ukraine, Poltava, October, 2
(0532)56-07-06, (050)304-53-92, (099)431-29-66, (099)520-19-32

Cafe-bar "ЇстиПитиБар"
Ukraine, Poltava, October, 20

Restaurant "Fish & Fusion"
Ukraine, Poltava, The Constitution, 13

Reviews about the pub "Сто Дорог":


- 3 февраля 2012

the city's First "art Kremnica" and even with a pub and coffee shop.


- 8 декабря 2012
I here like concerts. Oh, and "Dikanka" ) Great pub.


- 18 января 2013
Here today as usual) the Beer is fresh and delicious) Attention deprived)
Advise to visit!

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