Network Riviera →  Restaurant "Ривьера"

live music, summer Playground, face control,

Restaurant "Ривьера"

Ukraine, Poltava, lane Rybalsky, 16
(0532) 57-23-44, (0532) 57-02-69
The number of seats: 70    Smoking rooms    Non-Smoking rooms    Parking    Reservation

The restaurant:
Mon-Sun: 12:00-23:00

Recommend visitors to the restaurant "Ривьера": ресторан "Палаццо" , ресторан "Раффинато" ,

Рейтинг: / 10. Голосов: 0

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Поделитесь рестораном с друзьями:


Cafe "Ривьера"
Ukraine, Poltava, lane Rybalsky, 16
(0532) 57-23-44, (0532) 57-02-69

Pub "Z-Pub"
Ukraine, Poltava, Lenin, 61

Billiard room "Buffalo"
Ukraine, Poltava, Lenin, 61
(0532) 68-96-69

Pizzeria "У сестер"
Ukraine, Poltava, Lenin, 79A
(0532)570-560, (099)74-23-018

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