4 июня 2015
The General impression of the Cafe “Cocoa Blues” that on the prospectus of Peter Grigorenko, 22/20, has been sharply negative.
Of course, it all depends on the staff first and foremost their responsibility for the quality of service. The latter, incidentally, today in this place absolutely no one cares.
Of course, in the early years of the café's claims were not any. It was pretty much at the highest level – and the food and service quality. But this situation began to change before our eyes and now the reputation of the institution is rapidly falling off a cliff.
Not going to list the negative reviews of my friends, will stop a thesis exclusively with the problems faced personally.
July 2013 – ordinary working day. Visitors in the school in fact. Decided to have Breakfast. Not a chance, the waiter after 35 minutes of me waiting and not approached, not even looking at the fact that all this time pressed the call button. This was followed by an unpleasant conversation with the Manager, who offered to wait, and as compensation recommended the “compliments”. Of course, anybody more did not expect, after all the time spent and spoiled the mood nothing can not compensate, especially with a Cup of coffee.
December 2013 – in advance was booked for celebrating his birthday. In the end, for unknown reasons, the table was occupied. Offered a very different, uncomfortable table, with dirty, untidy. As a result spoiled the holiday mood.
January 2014 – in a conversation with the receptionist about a free table, the latter very rudely made it clear that “all circuits are busy now and do not care about you.”
May 2015 – bread “Solido” was not the first freshness.
June 2015 – oddly enough, the story of the reservations happen again. In advance 5 days before, booked a table for the evening at the summer Playground to the birthday party. Table was busy. Rather it none of the staff even booked. Just forgot. After 20 minutes of waiting and useless conversation with the administrator – the question is not decided. In the end spoiled the Holiday mood!
Workers cafe – draw your own conclusions, we already did! And all travelers places – good mood and pleasant pastime!