A Network Of "Mafia" →  Restaurant "Мафия"

Restaurant "Мафия"

Ukraine, Kiev, Khreschatyk, 6
+380 (67) 570-18-39
WiFi    Smoking rooms    Non-Smoking rooms    Parking    Reservation

Metro station near restaurant: 

The restaurant:
Mon-Sun: round-the-clock

Рейтинг: 10 / 10. Голосов: 1

  Посещено - Вы первый!
  Хочу пойти! - Вы первый!

Поделитесь рестораном с друзьями:


The coffee shop "Double coffee"
Ukraine, Kiev, St. Michael's street, 6
+380 (44) 206-69-13

The coffee shop "Double coffee"
Ukraine, Kiev, Khreschatyk, 17
+380 (44) 206-69-14

Pub "O'Brien's"
Ukraine, Kiev, Michael, 17
+380 (44) 279-15-84

Cafe "Кофиум"
Ukraine, Kiev, Church, 4

Coffee house "Кофе тайм"
Ukraine, Kiev, Boris Grinchenko, 2/1
+380 (44) 536-14-22

Coffee house "Кофе хауз"
Ukraine, Kiev, The shopping center "Globus" , 1st line
+380 (44) 371-18-06

Coffee house "Кофе хауз"
Ukraine, Kiev, The shopping center "Globus", 3 line
+380 (44) 371-18-27

Coffee house "Кофе хауз"
Ukraine, Kiev, Khreschatyk, 7/11
+380 (44) 279-65-73

Pub "Портер"
Ukraine, Kiev, Church, 4
+380 (44) 278-04-90

Pizzeria "Челентано"
Ukraine, Kiev, Khreschatyk, 10

Cafe "La Cantina"
Ukraine, Kiev, Frunze, 6
+38 (044) 278-73-90

Fast Food "McDonald's"
Ukraine, Kiev, Sophia, 1/2

Fast Food "McDonald's"
Ukraine, Kiev, Kreshchatik, 19A

Dining room "Два Гуся"
Ukraine, Kiev, Khreschatyk, 7/11
+380 (44) 279-89-04

Dining room "Два Гуся"
Ukraine, Kiev, The shopping center "Globus,
+380 (44) 371-11-45

The reviews about the restaurant "Мафия":


- 12 марта 2013
tasty and inexpensive, though, is that no tables


- 20 марта 2013
just super! mafia recommend to all lovers of Italian cuisine, then you will always make a great Carbonara!


- 4 апреля 2013
the best and most beautiful restaurant where you can eat up to 100 USD!


- 11 апреля 2013
Restaurant a restaurant, to go out to eat, inexpensive

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