Restaurant "Золотое Руно"

WiFi, Banquet menu, Banquet hall, Parking, live music, summer Playground, Striptease, zoning, VIP-hall, the hotel, show program,

Restaurant "Золотое Руно"

Ukraine, Odessa, Academika Koroleva St., 16
+38 (048) 718-38-80,+38 (048) 712-74-91

  European, Japanese, Italian,
The restaurant:
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Поделитесь рестораном с друзьями:

Several restaurants:

Restaurant "Пивной сад"
Ukraine, Odessa, Havana, 6
(048) 777-88-88

Restaurant "Casa Nova"
Ukraine, Odessa, Deribasovskaya, 4
(048) 335-455

Restaurant "MamaCasalla"
Ukraine, Odessa, Alexander Matrosov, 1

Restaurant "Час пик"
Ukraine, Odessa, Genoa, 1
(048) 34-97-57

Restaurant "Балаган"
Ukraine, Odessa, The Queen, 94
(048) 42-32-32

Restaurant "Блеф"
Ukraine, Odessa, French Boulevard, 85
(048) 777-44-53, (048) 777-44-52

Restaurant "Блеф"
Ukraine, Odessa, Chubaevskaya, 7
(048) 748-10-19

Restaurant "1000 и 1 ночь"
Ukraine, Odessa, Gaydara, 13
(048)799-03-64, (048)74 -37-425

Restaurant "Текила Хаус"
Ukraine, Odessa, Malaya Arnautskaya Str., 69

Restaurant "Crab House"
Ukraine, Odessa, Deribasovskaya str., 13
(0482) 35-68-00, (0482) 35-68-09

Restaurant "Elvis"
Ukraine, Odessa, Troitskaya, 50
(067)486-01-52, (0482)37-75-74

Restaurant "Fish-cafe"
Ukraine, Odessa, Brick lane , 1

Restaurant "Компот"
Ukraine, Odessa, Deribasovskaya, 20
(048) 728-777-5

Restaurant "Компот"
Ukraine, Odessa, Panteleimon, 70

Restaurant "Колесо"
Ukraine, Odessa, Seaport, Pier 18a
(048) 799-22-20

The reviews about the restaurant "Золотое Руно":


- 16 ноября 2015
Celebrated their wedding in July 2015! About host Dmitry! Never got around to write a review. Perhaps, as leading it good, if only he stayed the whole evening with our guests, as uplachen was for the whole evening! The whole evening he was running on more than one event in this place!!! It's terrible, because guests would sit for long without attention, or danced, if it were possible, I might have thrown video)))!
All can be understood, but to leave their guests for an hour, and sometimes longer, then come to spend 10 minutes rituals (dance of father and daughter, removing the veil) and to say that he finished, just no words!!! More than half discussed for earlier in the program he just spent!!! After leaving had to do it!
Kitchen everyone was happy! The waiters are very large umnichki!
Everything would be just fine if not for the professionalism of the presenter!
And yet... I would advise the administrator to establish a feast, because every time you come and always different admin.!!! There were difficulties! One agreed to one, come menu to make another admin.... and so 3 times they come and go with different, and each explain what you would like!
The hotel is a good! Breakfast was not forgotten!!!

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