Cafe-bar "Руставели "

Cafe-bar "Руставели "

Ukraine, Poltava, Kotlyarevsky, 38/40
(0532) 56-38-11, (095) 195-51-31
The number of seats: 40    WiFi    Smoking rooms    Non-Smoking rooms    Reservation

The time cafe bar:
Mon-Sun: 10:00-23:00

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Рейтинг: 3.8 / 10. Голосов: 3

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Ukraine, Poltava, Gogol, 22,
(0532) 50-80-03, (050) 404-92-33

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Ukraine, Poltava, Gogol street, 38, 5th FL.

Restaurant "Zeytun"
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(063)334-77-55, (099) 529-18-48

Pub "Beer House"
Ukraine, Poltava, Pushkina, 16,
(095)585-55-58, (0532)63-36-99

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(066) 321-70-44, (0532) 654-624

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Coffee house "Твоя Кав'ярня"
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Reviews of cafe bar "Руставели ":


- 11 апреля 2014
Vacationing in April, in the Rustaveli,was left with a broken mood ,the service at the lowest level,the kitchen is very tasteless,also welcomed the homeless,plus live music(the performers are great)!!!


- 14 апреля 2014
I agree,there too we recently vacationed,did not like.The waitresses served with such persons,though they were waiting when we leave,very frustrating,very tasteless salads,do not advise anyone to rest there(((((((((((((


- 12 сентября 2014
We went on September 6 and very sorry about the lost time. Not cleaned, the kitchen is not tasty, the prices for this level is very high, but the main thing is disgusting service. The waitress had to wait for 5-7 minutes. Asked for a glass of water, she brought a plastic bottle of 0.5. More than a foot and do not advise anyone.

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