Chain "Auto-grill Myslyvets" →  Restaurant "АВТО-ГРИЛЬ Мисливець"

Restaurant "АВТО-ГРИЛЬ Мисливець"

Ukraine, Poltava, Kiev highway, 74B
(0532) 68-04-62
The number of seats: 100    WiFi    Smoking rooms    Non-Smoking rooms    Parking    Reservation

The restaurant:
Mon-Sun: round-the-clock

Рейтинг: / 10. Голосов: 0

  Посещено - Вы первый!
  Хочу пойти! - Вы первый!

Поделитесь рестораном с друзьями:

Several restaurants:

Restaurant "Каштановая Аллея"
Ukraine, Poltava, October, 58A
(0532) 50-04-57

Restaurant "Зефир"
Ukraine, Poltava, Oktyabrskaya str., 24

Restaurant "Ривьера"
Ukraine, Poltava, lane Rybalsky, 16
(0532) 57-23-44, (0532) 57-02-69

Restaurant "Диканька"
Ukraine, Poltava, Grushevsky street, 2A
(0532) 633-555

Restaurant "Раффинато"
Ukraine, Poltava, October, 57
(0532) 57-97-87

Restaurant "Скифия"
Ukraine, Poltava, The old Hem, 3A

Restaurant "Мимино"
Ukraine, Poltava, M. Biryuzova, 15
(0532) 509-883, (05322) 7-50-12

Restaurant "Апельсин"
Ukraine, Poltava, Kalinina, 11
(0532)68-25-29, (095)69-91-474

Restaurant "Палаццо"
Ukraine, Poltava, Gogol, 33
(0532)611-205, (0532)610-850, (0532)611-208

Restaurant "Козачка"
Ukraine, Poltava, Lenina, 34 and
(0532) 56-95-36

Restaurant "Бавария"
Ukraine, Poltava, Lake, 67

Restaurant "Сплит (Split)"
Ukraine, Poltava, Gogol, 22,
(0532) 50-80-03, (050) 404-92-33

Restaurant "Турбина"
Ukraine, Poltava, Kovpaka 26
(0532) 61-55-61, (050)388-04-93

Restaurant "Галерея"
Ukraine, Poltava, Frunze, 7

Restaurant "Zeytun"
Ukraine, Poltava, Gogolya, 38, floor 6
(063)334-77-55, (099) 529-18-48

The reviews about the restaurant "АВТО-ГРИЛЬ Мисливець":


- 25 декабря 2012
Interior - 100% !!! Everything else is not far behind. Lovely cosy atmosphere, especially in winter. The eye is pleased and the food is tasty.

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