28 января 2022
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
dicloxacillin reviews Please don’t take some narrow predetermined view when you write your articles. It became clear that you simply just don’t like the sector. How about you, and the DOE, take a more equitable approach to reviewing and addressing the grievances that exist across all of higher education. Make a set of rules that apply to everyone, fairly, and then we can move forward. For profits don’t like bad actors in our sector (many of us anyway) as they drag down the legitimacy of all schools in the sector. Don’t just find a convenient scapegoat you can beat on to make a name for yourself. All of higher education is currently broken, not just the for profit sector. I will say, true to Gunderson’s point, I don’t see Berkley, Stanford, or hell, even any state university ripping down their gates to provide opportunity to those who need it the most, and who need the most help to get it. How about getting off your high horse? Thanks.